Apr 2018

Art & Exhibition Info


Art Talk ~Let’s meet Andy Warhol
Art & Exhibition Info
Art Talk ~Let’s meet Andy Warhol
Category: Art & Exhibition Info Events
GP DEVA invited a special speaker, Marsha Rosenberg, on Sunday April 8th to talk about Pope of Pop Art, Andy Warhol. What is considered Pop Art? Who was Andy Warhol? How did Warhol shape the World of Art? Marsha shared her passion and knowledge with the guests. The discussion continued on even after the presentation ended…...

Andy Warhol's artwork "Coca Cola" brought art closer to people.

This past Sunday, Marsha shared her knowledge on the Pope of Pop Art, Andy Warhol. “Did you know Andy Warhol was a shoe designer?” Marsha started the presentation asking the audience. No one knew. Marsha went on to introduce Warhol was an illustrator first and also worked at a shoe company briefly drawing the most gorgeous shoes.

Then of course, Warhol is still most well-known for his commercial goods paintings, such as Coca Cola, Campbell Soups, as well as, famous people, for instance, Marilyn Monroe in multiples and even Mao from China. In Warhol’s short lived life, he was the most iconic Pop Art artist and even after his death, many have been imitating his style of work.

Getting to know the Pope of Pop, Andy Warhol ~

Marsha also introduced a few other Pop Art artists such as Roy Lichtenstein, Tom Wesselmann, James Rosenquist, Wayne Thiebaud, Claes Oldenburg, whom had completely different styles of work from Warhol showing the wide range of Pop Art. 

The guest list doubled in just a short week!

After the presentation, audience left longing for more!

Many guests came because of Warhol but had left with much more. Some learned about Pop Art for the very first time. Some partook in the discussion of “What is considered art?” And everyone enjoyed Marsha’s style of presentation and interaction with the audience. The hour-long presentation went by fast and everyone was longing for more “art appreciation”.

GP DEVA’s frequent customer, Jean, came with her sister Kathy and boyfriend Steve. After the presentation, Jean felt that she gained a different perspective to look at art. Jean participates in all GP DEVA’s events and enjoys every moment of it! She LOVES GP DEVA and refers to GP DEVA to all her friends and families.

Best place to spend your Sunday afternoon~ Come to GP DEVA’s Art Seminar ~

Experienced collectors, Matthew and Karen, have studied art occasionally. They both appreciated Marsha’s presentation and learned something new from it! Everyone also enjoyed the healthy light lunch. 

Light lunch prepared for the fun-filled talk ahead.

Guest Caroline always liked Andy Warhol's work. She found out about the event from our web posting and signed up for the seminar. It was Caroline’s first visit to GP DEVA X-Power Gallery and she found the experience to be very pleasant. Surrounded by beautiful artwork, listening to the presentation and drinking wonderful Marvelous Tea, it was a memorable relaxing Sunday afternoon.

Presenter Martha (middle) is also a loyal patron of GP DEVA.

GP DEVA - an open platform full of artistic energy

X-Power Gallery is the physical manifested space of GP DEVA’s art division, with a focus not just on contemporary art, but to further transcend the art world into a higher sense of beauty and consciousness.  In addition to this compassionate artistic concept, X-Power Gallery focuses on cultural heritage of all humankind, new conceptual ideas & techniques and discovering talented artists, while providing a platform where artists and collectors can meet while promoting an exchange of art between East and West.

Group photo with Presenter Marsha Rosenberg.

GP DEVA promotes the concept, “Art of Living”, and often hosts art seminars for art enthusiasts to meet and talk about art. In its 8th year sponsoring Art Revolution Taipei, GP DEVA continues to provide different avenues to bring people together through art.
GP DEVA Pull-Zen International Inc.All Rights Reserved